For Free Legal advice and information against illegal Money Circulation Schemes
and Cheating Multi-Level Marketing / Networking / Chain Business Companies
This is not the first company and certainly not the last one. As long as people are greedy, such companies keep on thriving and cheat the gullible all over world. The first and foremost thing is that people should realise that there is nothing easy and quick money.
Request not to fall prey to illegal Money circulation Schemes and cheating Multilevel Marketings. Chain Business, Network Marketing, Multi level Marketing, Pyramid Structure sellings, Direct Marketing / selling through so called Independent distributors are all nothing but camouflaged illegal Money Circulation Schemes banned and punishable under the provisions of The Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978
This is not the first company and certainly not the last one. As long as people are greedy, such companies keep on thriving and cheat the gullible all over world. The first and foremost thing is that people should realise that there is nothing easy and quick money.